Saturday 4 June 2011

And the Award goes to

And so I have been thinking. This is my blog and I haven’t been writing much about myself and what else provides me a better excuse than WRITER'S BLOCK. So I am just going to scan the 22yrs I have lived so far and present awards to certain incidents in my life in the following categories.

The “Gulp me Oh Mother Earth Moment” Award- Age 17- Our miss RED HANDED never had stage fear. She has learnt Carnatic Sangeet (which she remembers no more) for 9 never-ending years. Our Red used to perform every year at a cultural meet in her town where around 1500 people used to squeeze in the auditorium to witness the show. Clearing her throat she makes her way gallantly to the stage and starts singing a famous Lord Krishna keertan. Halfway through it, there is a pause and some nincompoops think that the music show is done and start clapping violently. To their dismay the music continues and Miss Red Handed has to sing the next para. But you know her. She is born with an extra tickle bone and so she laughs into the three microphones fixed in front of her. So loud that I am sure our own KUMBHAKARNA would have been awake hearing that. The laugh continued as long as the song was meant to last and once the time was over she gave a giggle and left the stage. What happened at home is still a blur.

The “Forrest Gump is a genius before you” Award- Age 18- Miss Red Handed sees a parrot being sold on her way back from the Parents teacher meet and forces her Dad to buy it for her. “Rs 20/- what the heck?” her Dad thinks. The parrot is bought and so are some chillies and mangoes and guava for the parrot. Red loved her bird and feeds it all day long to the point that the bird started acting like a ZOMBIE. It would remain at the same place without moving a muscle. The troubled Red contacted her ‘I hate birds trapped in cage’ Dad who told her that the bird had diarrhea or constipation and should be allowed to step out of the cage. The trusting daughter opened the cage and allowed the parrot out to catch some fresh air and stretch its muscles. The bird gave her a 'You are the dumbest human i have ever come across' look, danced around the cage for some time and flew away.

The “Aww I am so loved Award- Age 18- She had her 12th pre-board exams in the month of December and you all should know that our Miss Red loves to attend marriage receptions in the month of December since the hot and butter loaded MOONG KA HALWA is the love of her life. A family friend living some blocks away was getting married and it was a huge thing but sadly Red couldn’t be a part of it. Her Dad bought a Sexy Grey Raymond’s suit for himself and the entire family went for the reception while Red stayed back. Some hours later her family returns and her lil brother enters the room with a paper bowl filled with moong ka halwa saying that Dad couldn’t eat it thinking about her, so he hid it and brought it. Red ran to her Dad to ask why he did so and the answer was “Anything to make you happy” .She didn’t ask him how he brought it since it was evident. There was a big oil stain on his Brand new coat pocket.

Well I don’t think anyone would read a longer post than this and so the award ceremony has an abrupt end.

P.S- More awards to be given and thanks to some very special people in my life for making everything so beautiful! My family, the three best friends who have been with me since the age of 4 and a Ghost who makes my life cuter as the days pass by. 
Image Courtesy-


  1. A nice & lovely thought of awarding your own life incidents. :)

  2. Thats so sweet of ur dad to do tht. Fathers i guess are like tht. They go to any length to make their darlings smile....

  3. @Bharati- Thanks :)
    @Angie- A father is the most perfect man in a daughter life.

  4. wooow... thats really sweet :) and your last line was noble prize winner... I personally skip last paras if its tooo long ;)

    waiting fr more :D

  5. Now Now, some one is really loved, yes She is, She is :D

    And it's okay to make mistakes. Not all lessons are learned from others' faults, sometime we get to be on the receiving side too.
    Perhaps, a parrot looks good in the open skies rather than in confinement. :)

    Blasphemous Aesthete

  6. Now now, that was a cute post. :D

    Blasphemous Aesthete

  7. What an interesting life Sirjee. I realise I've been *looking for word* staid all my life :)

    1) You laughed, I admire you. I would have bawled my eyes out (I have, in fact).
    2) 'You are the dumbest human i have ever come across'
    Classic. ROFL
    3) That is one sweetheart of a dad you have got there, as I'm sure you know:)

    P.S: You might as well have written a few more paragraphs and still not beat me for my long-boring-post award :D Do take the risk and add a few more..

  8. Loved reading through it...
    Loved the 1st award,.. Lol, laughing on mike on stage in a classical performance... you are crazy (it's a compliment)
    And sweetly written about your dad, I wish he always pampers you like this and you be the girl that makes him do so.. :)


  9. Pulitzer prize for ur writing:-)

  10. @Chakoli-aahh Thanks!
    @Blasphemous Aesthete- Ah yes the parrot did look just amazing outside its cage. But still i was bluffed :P
    @Priyanka-You are being kind you know but many including me have trouble reading long posts :P..But felt good hearing it you know :)
    @Aakash- Oh i am just blessed..Thanks for reading
    @Partha- Thanks!

  11. HAHAHA!! Awesum idea to counter writer's block... though i'm nt sure if u hv any such blocks, havin read this..

    Wish der wer more awards :)

    Brilliant idea, brilliant read, Red!! :D

  12. :)
    Such a nice award ceremony i have never attended one like this ;)

    How i wish you would have said i will upload a song or two for you to listen :P :P
    The parrot.. :| oh! lucky to survive :P

    And i remember the moong ki daal ka halwa story of myself once :D ..i don't know exactly whom we brought it for but my grandmother's leather bag had a permanent memory etched on itself forever :P
    Your writing is humorous and not missing the part that is a must know..your blog is day by day becoming so informative about Kerala :Pin between it your life excerpt was a nice interaction :)

    P.S.-Yippeeeee..finally i am able to read Miss Red :D

  13. @R-A-J- I was suffering from writers block and i am still struggling to find wht to write next :P. Thank God that you liked the post

    @Alcina- I seriously missed your comments and so happy that you actually related to this post. Welcome back sweetheart :)

  14. Hahaha! Poor you and lucky parrot. Happy you have a loving and doting father:)) Great post again.

  15. @Sachin Malhotra- thankyou for commenting...
    I will check out the post soon :)

    @CloudNine- Heh yeh blessed me!!! Thanks again!

  16. Hey
    It was nice to read.
    Couldnt stop myself completing the whole blog post..
    the best part was "Moong ka Halwa"
    keep blogging :)
    its nice to read you

  17. @Arvind Mohan- Thankyou sooo much!

  18. Truely n seriously describing the young mind who is less boggled by the nath exam n more interested in the missed party. . . 🎆


Spit It Out I Say !!!